Frequently Asked Questions
We hope you find what you are looking for in here. If not, please feel free to contact us here.
Do I need to register my kid’s dirtbike?
An ORV (Off Road Vehicle) where the manufacturer states in the manufacturer’s recommendation that it is designed to be operated by a child 11 years old or younger is exempt from having to register. Registration is voluntary. Off Road Act Regulation FAQs
Why join a dirtbike club?
Dirtbike clubs advocate for your riding areas, maintain trails, protect the image of dirtbiking, and work with local and provincial governments to keep our riding areas open.
Where does club membership fees go towards?
They go right back into the sport and your trails you love to ride, maintaing the club’s trail maintenance equipment (chainsaws, etc…), purchasing trail signage, paying for this website and paying for some of the organized fun events. Most of the events also rely on the help from all our sponsors.
Is the VOMC a club for racers only?
No. The VOMC has a wide range of members from kids learning to ride to racers and everyone in between. Sharing our passion, meeting other riders and having fun are the goals.
Do I have to participate or be active with the club if I purchase a membership?
No. Like every club, the more the members the bigger voice it represents to serve the interests of dirtbikers. While the VOMC organizes events with its members and actively maintains the Becker trail system, buying a membership can be done just to show support.
What else does my membership get me?
Club Events: The VOMC is gaining some momentum and organizing more and more events like weekdays social rides, Poker Runs, kids fun rides, group trail maintenance days, trail building workshops and races. Visit our website to see the upcoming events and meetings.
Club Updates: Minutes from every meeting will be emailed to you throughout the year with information on club events, updates on our section 57 application and other items discussed.
Club Social: Coming to any of the meetings or events gives you the opportunity to meet other riders adults or kids.
Club Insurance: All the VOMC members are insured during any club events. The VOMC pays $6.50 per member to BCORMA for a $5 million 3rd party liability through Oasis Insurance.
Club Discounts: The local shops support the VOMC and most of them will honour discounts.
Trail Maps: All members have access to the Becker trail maps.
How is the Becker trail system maintained?
The VOMC maintains and fixes the Becker trail system throughout the season with a group of committed volunteer members. Several anonymous riders also maintain the trails they ride. If you want to help out , let yourself known, the VOMC has all the tools and is always looking for more help.
Where is the VOMC’s off-loading area and trail head?
The current official area known as the Race Pits is after km 14 on Becker FSR just before Becker Lake under the powerlines next to the endure cross track. Main events like poker runs, kids rides and races usually take place there. Part of the VOMC’s current Section 57 submission to the government entails building a proper staging area and trail head lower on Becker Lake FSR with a range of novice to expert trails.
Where is a good spot to park to offload and ride?
There are lots of areas to offload along noble Canyon FSR though none of them are designated. Avoid parking in the residential area of Noble Canyon rd just off the highway as the residents don’t want to hear dirtbikes, quads and side by side warming up all day long. Not good press for us! Good offloading areas start 2km down the road.
Are the Becker trails going to be like some other highly developed areas in where you need to pay to ride?
No. The VOMC’s mandate is to secure the Becker trails for dirtbikers and officially recognized as such by the government. Too many riding areas have already been shut down because dirtbikers did not get organized and other user groups had a stronger voice. We want our kids to be able to ride like we have been until now. Many highly developed riding areas are a lot more involved with rec campsites and paid trail maintenance personnel.
What about all the Bardolf trails, are you guys taking care of these trails?
No. The Noble Canyon riding area is very large. The Bardolf side has at least the same mileage of trails if not more. The VOMC works on the Becker trails and the Okanagan Offroad Motorcycle Club (OOMC) works on the Bardolf trails. Both areas are free to ride and have many trails that connect. Check out the OOMC Facebook page to see what they are up to or to get involved.
How do I get trail maps of the Becker trails?
Most of the trails have been GPSed. Every VOMC members can access a trail map that can be viewed with the free app Avenza Maps. This app enables you to see your location on the trails at any given time. Trails are classified by skill level too.